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Thomas Nicoll - Senior Communications Manager

Thomas started studying for his Graduate Business Management Apprenticeship with SSE in 2020.  In 2022 Thomas attended the Corporate Affairs and Strategy conference and was a member of the panel discussing digital communication.



What made you choose SSE?           

I joined SSE as a school leaver in 2007 (over half my life ago!) At the time, I had just finished 5th year at secondary school and had secured the grades to go to university, so I decided to leave school early, earn for a year, before furthering my education. At the end of the year's traineeship at SSE I was offered a permanent role that was too good to turn down, and I've been here ever since.

What do you enjoy most about your role?      

I'm part of a great team. The work can be quite demanding and being part of a team that has the right attitude towards helping each other and delivering great results is a real highlight.

What advice would you give to people thinking about applying for an apprenticeship with SSE?      

I'm in the 4th year of the Graduate Apprenticeship Programme here at SSE - well on track to achieve an Honours Degree in Business Management, so my apprenticeship is slightly different to one you'd typically hear about. I'd worked with SSE for 13 years before I took on further education, but it has been a fantastic experience and something I wish I had done sooner. The course set me up well in successfully applying for a promoted role and I feel equipped to take on the increased level of responsibility in the role I'm now in. If you're thinking about undertaking any kind of apprenticeship with SSE, I'd say go for it. It will be hard work, but it's worth the effort.

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